Should I continue???

12 01 2012

These past days ,which feels like weeks due to my lack of visiting WordPress and writing posts, I’ve been tackling my secret plan.
It is in affect thank God. I’ve been very worried that it was taking a very long time to be fulfilled. Now the time has come to reveal it. So I applied to a University in Saudi, Known as King Saud University, for religious studies. First two years I will be studying the Arabic language. Later on I will choose my path for what to become. But I’m arriving into the school if God wills the 24 of Jan, Which is the third and last semester since I couldn’t get in earlier due to my visa problems and so on.
So the big question is should I continue blogging?
Post pictures? Should I start V-logs?(I wanted to do this sooooo bad)



18 responses

12 01 2012

Why would you not keep on blogging, even if you only did a monthly post about how your getting on, what your doing. I don’t know what a V-log is .

13 01 2012

V-log is a video log instead of writing. Thanks

13 01 2012

go for the V log!!! its V-ery cool.

get it? lol. Good luck on your journey..I will miss you a whole lot!!!

13 01 2012

Thanks sis I will try to do it.

13 01 2012

That’s so cool! Most people opt for unis in the US but you’re actually coming here from there. King Saud University sounds cool. (I just googled it, LOL) BUt yeah, congrats. Do blog about how you find life here like. I’m sure eva and the rest of your family and friends will miss you loads. Good luck!

13 01 2012

Thanks Jawa.

13 01 2012
the island traveler

Congratulations! And continue blogging please. Photos would do with a bit of narration, just anything! Blogging is an escape from stress and pressures…it will serve as a break in between books and school stuff. I wish there was blogging during my college days. Could have been cool looking at old pics and reading the good old days stories. Blog what life is in Saudi and all. have a great weekend.

13 01 2012

Yeah so true. I will continue. Prob both pics and vlogs. Thanks and have a great weekend as well.

13 01 2012
The Hook

Good luck in your new plan, my friend!

13 01 2012

Thanks Buddy.

13 01 2012

Congratulations in getting accepted into the University.

It will be a whole set of new sights/experiences/people for you – so plenty of material to blog about

Go for it !!!

13 01 2012

Thanks nd I hope it will be a great experince.

14 01 2012

I wish you good luck! πŸ˜€ If you find it too busy to blog every day, you may try V-log, a video blog! Sounds cool and interesting! πŸ˜€ Please keep it up, your blog is awesome!

17 01 2012

Thanks Ristinw. I will continue for sure.

18 01 2012
Princess Laila

Good that you will continue as it will be a great way to share your experiences and keep in touch with friends and family

20 01 2012

Thanks. Yes i will definitely keep in touch.

20 01 2012

Good luck with your plan, Allah Bless! πŸ™‚ You can continue blogging I guess. Do what suits you the best. πŸ™‚

20 01 2012

Thanks. Will do PH

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